*Brand new* - Weight loss clinic

As of March 2025, we can now prescribe Mounjaro and Wegovy for weight loss right here in Clifton Village, Bristol!

The process is simple and involves a consultation with our pharmacist. We keep Mounjaro in stock and so can get you started from your first consultation! Our prices are highly competitive - usually beating quotes from online pharmacies!

To book in to see our pharmacist, please either text 07473 075 940 or contact us through our website. Please mention the day and time that works best for you. 

Our pharmacists availability is as below:

March 2025

Available 9.30am - 5.15pm on weekdays

and 9am - 1.30pm on Saturdays:

Friday 7th March

Saturday 8th March

Tuesday 11th March

Wednesday 12th March

Thursday 13th March

Friday 14th March

Saturday 15th March

Tuesday 18th March

Wednesday 19th March

Thursday 20th March

Friday 21st March

Tuesday 25th March

Wednesday 26th March

Thursday 27th March

Friday 28th March

Saturday 28th March

Please note - Mounjaro is licensed for patients with a BMI over 30 OR a BMI between 27-30 if they also have other weight related health issues.